Who we are

Our company was born in 1996 and today in our state-of-the-art production facility we produce more than 2 million pieces with the highest quality standard.

All the production phases are undertaken in-company and we take care of our Italian and foreign customers with expertise and passion. Currently we develop our business on a logistic surface of 12.000 SQM in 5 High-Tech Manufacturing areas (Planning, Technology of materials, Turnery, Finishes, Assembly, Testing and Logistics).


Cutting-edge equipment

We carry out the finished product with multi-purpose work-centers, some of them totally mechanized.

We have at our disposal a cutting-edge productive plant: 5 transfer machines, two of them with 19 mobile nits, two with 6 mobile units and one with 3 mobile units, equipped with robotized loading/unloading; 2 5 axes double spindle machining center with possibility of interpolated machining working with 5 axes or boring, reaming and tapping on several surfaces even not at right angles to each other; 8 control lathes with possibility of brass rod working from 6 mm to 90 mm diameter and brass rod recesses/profiling until 600 mm diameter, the whole having excellent performances in manufacturing steel and light alloys like aluminium.

Accuracy and control

Thanks to our highly qualified and skill personnel we can follow every stage of the manufacturing process which is characterized by almost totally mechanized cycles.

Handmade talent and industrialization, speed and ability in manufacturing are means that our team mainly use to face the most important challenges. In cooperation with the productive plant there are an automatic warehouse for the tooling equipment and a warehouse for the brass rod, then a metrology room provides for quality control and is managed by the engineering department that supervises the correct operating proceedings.

The Group power

Thanks to innovative technology and constant commitment we always find new solutions, carrying out top quality and highly competitive products.

We cooperate with partner companies such as a chill casting brass factory specialized in gravity die casting and low pressure technology; a hot brass press factory and another one as far as stainless steel and aluminium are concerned. However, we talk about materials that need not only a special design attention but also peculiar working technologies which derive from excellent knowledge and long-term experience.

Clean energy thanks to a photovoltaic plant

Due to our special attention for the environment protection and a sustainable development in 2012 we decided to provide the installation of a 100 kw photovoltaic generating plant meant to produce electrical energy.

It turned out to be a farsighted and strategical investment: besides the energy saving and the economic advantages we also got ready an environmentally friendly production. In fact not only our offices but even the machines in our factory division are working with self-produced energy and with consequently restricted CO2 emissions.

Work and Communication

Exclusive communication channels and everyday instruments of work, our web-site and our catalogue with photos enable us to support our customers, who can rely on our constant presence in their Technical Departments. Our goal is to meet their requirements fast and on time. On the one hand the catalogue provides photos, basic information about the manufacturing as well as technical specifications of every single article. On the other our web-site is constantly updated showing our products and any new-entry item.